
CM Kiran criticized for remarks on Telangana

CM Kiran Kumar Reddy’s latest remarks linking Telangana to separate state demands in other states, have come in for severe criticism from the Telangana Joint Action Committee, TNGOs  and T-Congress leaders

TJAC issued a stern warning that it would hold discussions on the stand to be adopted during Indiramma Baata, if Seemandhra leaders continue to make such provoking statements on Telangana statehood.

Speaking to media, TJAC Chariman Prof. Kodandaram said that Kiran Kumar Reddy once again proved that he is a Seemandhra chief minister. “It is very unfortunate that instead of toeing the Congress line and adhering to the promises on separate statehood made by the party during the previous elections, Seemandhra leaders continue to create new controversies. We demand such leaders to resign from their posts and air their personal opinions in an individual capacity” .

Telangana Employee JAC leaders C Vittal and V Srinivas Goud sought to know how creating a separate state harms national integrity. They warned Seemandhra leaders that people of Telangana would not tolerate the malicious campaign of Seemandhra leaders.

T-Congress MPs Ponnam Prabhakar and Vivek also criticized CM Kiran’s irresponsible remarks on Telangana



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