
Komuram Bheem statue installed on Tank Bund

After a long struggle, the Telangana movement has scored another victory over the Seemandhra hegemony. The statue of tribla revolutionary Komuram Bheem was installed on Tank Bund yesterday.

But, the Seemandhra government has once again proved its dubious nature by surreptiously installing statues of four Seemandhra cultural icons along with Komuram Bheem’s statue in the dead of the night. The statues were the first installment of 12 statues of Seemandhra icons, which were destroyed by Telangana activists during the Million March last year.

It is very clear that Komuram Bheem’s statue was hurriedly installed only to pacify the Telangana people before re-installing Seemandhra icons’ statues.

Several Telangana activists, including Telangana Jagruthi president Kalvakuntla Kavitha have expressed anger at the mid-night installation of Seemandhra statues. It is just a matter of time before the people of Telangana show their anger on these symbols of Seemandhra hegenmony.

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