
Telangana Vidyarthi Garjana on Feb 15

One by one, all Telangana organizations are getting into agitation mode. The Telangana Students’ JAC has announced that it would be organizing ‘Vidyardhi Garjana’ at the Arts College in the Osmania University on February 15, demanding creation of Telangana.

Posters of Vidyarthi Garjana were released by the Telangana Political JAC Convener Prof. Kodandaram at the JAC office recently.

Representatives of the Students’ JAC are have already started the campaign for this massive public meeting and are touring the districts to publicize it.

The Students JAC also said that a one-day fast would be undertaken at the Jantar Mantar in New Delhi on March 27, to mount pressure on the Centre on Telangana. They also said that they would undertake Bus Trip in all the constituencies going for by-elections, in support of those who had resigned for Telangana.

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