
Telangana is number one in the country in online auditing.


– Mr KS Sethi, Joint Secretary, Central Panchayati Raj, wrote a letter congratulating the state

– Rewards for CM KCR’s vision, leadership of Minister KTR .

– Minister Errabelli congratulates State Panchayati Raj Department officials, employees and staff .


Telangana, which is already at the forefront of development in the country, has won many awards.  The State Rural Development Panchayati Raj Department has also already won several Central Government Awards.  Recently, our state has become number one in the country in online auditing of gram panchayats.  Last year too, Telangana was number one in online editing.  Continuing the same trend, for the second time in a row, Telangana stood at number one and became an ideal for other states.  To this end, the Central Panchayati Raj Department wrote a letter congratulating the State Panchayati Raj Department.  Sethi, Joint Secretary, Central Panchayati Raj, gave details in the letter.  In the letter, he appreciated that Telangana is playing a lead role to other states in online editing in the country.


Conducting regular audits on the utilisation of funds allocated by the Central Government to local bodies through the Central Financial Commission.  The Central Panchayati Raj Department has issued guidelines for conducting online auditing on the utilisation of 15th Finance Commission funds for the year 2020-21.  Accordingly, local bodies in the respective states are providing the expenditure of their own funds online.  Thus Telangana is number one in the country, having completed one hundred percent online editing ahead of schedule.  It is followed by Tamil Nadu with 72 per cent, Andhra Pradesh with 60 per cent and Karnataka with 59 per cent.  The rest of the states lag behind with less than 25 per cent completing online editing.

The state of Telangana is also number one in the online audit conducted on the utilisation of funds by the 14th Finance Commission for the year 2019-20.


Meanwhile, State Panchayati Raj Minister Errabelli Dayakar Rao said that gram panchayats in the state are at the forefront in all fields and are an ideal for the country.  He said that schemes like Palle Pragati undertaken under the auspices of CM KCR, Minister KTR Dynamic Leadership have made our villages an ideal for the country.  The CM said KCR had paved the way for the development of villages by releasing state funds from time to time on par with financial community funds like nowhere else in the country.  Bapuji said that the village government he dreamed of would be possible in Telangana under the auspices of KCR.  He apologised for looking at at least five lakh rupees in the same way even for small gram panchayats.  In the world, like never before in the country, every village has got tractors, trolleys, tankers, dump yards, cemeteries, eyes, farm platforms, rural nature parks, vast nature parks, plants under the green belt.  He said that the villages have become the lifeblood of the country due to continuous sanitation.  That is why the state of Telangana has been able to cope with such troubles as Corona, said Minister Errabelli

Errabelli also appealed to the central government to further promote the state of Telangana by giving more funds, rather than giving the central government the One Awards rewards and praises and congratulations.


Minister Errabelli congratulates Panchayati Raj Department officials, employees and staff

State Panchayati Raj Minister Errabelli Dayakar Rao lauded the Panchayati Raj officials for their excellent work in complying with the government directives and hence they are getting every such result.  Minister Errabelli appealed to them to work in the future and bring a good name to the Panchayati Raj department.



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