
Renuka’s Foul politics over Telangana

Yesterday’s debate in Rajya Sabha over Telangana was obstructed several times by Congress MP and party spokesperson Renuka Choudary. Through her actions, Renuka has once again proved how anti-Telangana she is.

When the house was seriously discussing the Telangana statehood issue, Renuka along with another Congress MP Alka Balram Kashatriya created a big issue saying that there is some “foul smell” in the house. The house was adjourned twice as Renuka repeated her tantrums.

What’s more, Renuka Chowdhury was repeatedly raising objections to BJP and TDP members’ statements blaming the UPA Government for going back on its promise to create Telangana. At one point irritated members had to ask the speaker if it was Renuka who was conducting the house.

A few minutes later, she started reading a magazine without paying heed to the discussion in the house. BJP Member Rajiv Pratap Rudy had to complain to the chair that honorable members were not supposed to be reading magazines on the floor of the house.

The obvious intention behind Renuka’s silly behavior was to obstruct the discussion on Telangana. Due to Renuka’s delaying tactics, the debate had to be postponed to next session of Rajya Sabha.

Renuka Choudary, the Congress MP in Rajya Sabha is known for her anti-Telangana statements. Even though she has migrated from Coastal Andhra and was elected by the people of Telangana to Lok Sabha twice, she has time and again spit venom on the statehood movement.

It is a shame that the Congress party MP is resorting to such cheap tricks over a genuine people’s movement.

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