Agricultural minister Singireddy Niranjan Reddy has urged the farmers to opt for short-duration crops in view of delayed monsoon and average rainfall predictions. He wanted the farmers to opt for fine and Kuram 1638, Bathukamma, Warangal 962, RNR 21278, RNR 29325, Jagityala 1798, Telangana sona and MTU 1010, Jagityala 24423 and HMT and Sona variety of paddy.
Agricultural department field staff were directed to undertake field visits and guide the farmers. They were asked to ensure the prevention of crop damage that took place in the summer season due to untimely rains for encouraging farmers to choose short-term varieties.
Mr Niranjan Reddy said enough stocks of seeds and fertilisers were made available to the farmers in Telangana state. He wanted the officials to maintain buffer stocks of the same in Markfed godowns.
The minister said it was decided to raise oil palm cultivation in two lakh acres and already farmers agreed to raise oil palm in 60,000 acres. He said the state government is ready to help farmers in raising remunerative commercial crops that are in demand.
By Gollapudi Srinivasa Rao