
‘Cong emissaries failed to gauge T sentiment’

Telangana Bharosa Yatra launched by the BJP reached Karimnagar on Monday. The yatra is aimed at exhorting the youth and the students not to commit suicides over delay in the formation of Telangana statehood.

Speaking on the occasion, BJYM state president K Venkateshwarlu held responsible Congress for the delay in formation of Telangana statehood. He slammed the adamantine attitude of the Congress, which, he said, was consuming time in the name of consultation process.

From Veerappa Moily to Vayalar Ravi all leaders failed to project the true situation in the region, he said. He alleged that Congress was more bothered about saving party’s prospects in three regions of the state rather than fulfilling the aspirations of the people of Telangana by materializing their longstanding demand.

He observed that the Centre should concede to the demand of Telangana statehood now or else it will face a drubbing in the next elections. He said that BJP would raise the statehood issue in the Parliament session from Tuesday.

He urged the youth not to lose hope and struggle relentlessly for the cause. Suicides will only bring grief to the victims’ families and the void in the family due to such extreme step cannot be filled, he observed. [The HANS India]

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