
TRSV conducts model EAMCET

Warangal: A large number of students have taken part in the model EAMCET conducted by the Telangana Rashtra Samithi students’ wing here on Sunday. The test was conducted by the urban unit of TRSV.

The TRSV state president Balka Suman and Warangal (West) MLA Dasyam Vinay Bhasker have visited several examination centres and inspected the conduct of the exam. Speaking on the occasion, they said that the model test was aimed at preparing the intermediate students to face the real test effectively.

The TRS students’ wing district unit leader K Vasudeva Reddy told press persons that the test was designed in such a manner that the students would get a practical idea of what the real EAMCET would be like.

He informed that the students’ wing has also conducted similar tests for VRO, VAO, ICET and others so as to prepare the students in the district. The tests were being conducted keeping in view of the future of the students and also help them to score higher marks in the real tests.

Vasudeva Reddy explained that the TRSV was ahead of different student’s organisations in shaping the future of the students in a better manner, besides fighting for the cause of Telangana. He appealed to the students to come forward to get registered with the TRSV. [The HANS India]

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