By: JR Janumpalli
The directions of A.P.High Court in case of seats in Telangana medical colleges and release of water from Nagarjuna Sagar to Krishna Delta, clearly indicates the nature of the AP state government. This makes it quite clear that it is an Andhra government not an Andhra Pradesh government.
The Andhra majority in assembly is running the government, over-ruling minority Telangana representation. It was the case since the merger of Hydearabad state with Andhra. The political Andhra majority is used ruthlessly to suppress the legitimate rights of Telangana people in every walk of life. These directions will be only a tip of the iceberg if we probe the functioning of the government since 1956. The administration is made fully Andhra by swamping the state bureaucracy with Andhra employees. The state cabinet is made of Andhra majority with CM from Andhra region. Thus the decision making and implementation of the decisions fully vest with Andhra people, making Telangana political and bureaucratic representation in the state as mere by-standers. They are spending the larger share of Telangana revenue for the administration of the state and development of Andhra region. They are usurping every conceivable Telangana resource and indulging in an organized exploitation of Telangana.Yet, nobody is the wiser. For, the total Andhra administration fudges all accounts and presents spurious statistics to window dress the show.
The Andhra political lobby works in tandem to pull the wool over the eyes of onlookers. Everybody in every right place is taken care by Andhra political-money-mafia. It was all the way an insidious operation carried with a project approach by the ‘Andhra’ government. It would require years of time for a full-fledged commission of enquiry to unravel the mysteries of this operation.
It is a dictatorship of political majority in democracy. They have exceeded the predictions of the visionary, Justice Fazal Ali, the State Reorganization Committee Chairman and the fears of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. How many court directions we need to undo the untold miseries heaped on us during the last 55 years of relentless organized exploitation? Do we have to live like this forever?