
What combination is good for Telangana in the elections?

By:J R Janumpalli

Telangana has become an experimental ground for combinations of different political parties in the elections. There are several permutations and combinations with speculation, doing the round. Some of them are:

1. TRS alone
2. TRS, TJAC alliance
3.TRS, Congress alliance
4.TRS, BJP alliance
5. TRS, TJAC, T-Congress, CPI, ND alliance
6. TRS, TJAC, T-BJP, CPI, ND alliance
7. TRS, TJAC, T-Congress, T-BJP, CPI, ND alliance

some may appear possible; some desirable; some improbable. But Indian politics, especially A.P.state politics, thanks to seemandhra political brand, will make some strange combinations possible in the hankering for political power. Here in this turmoil of political combinations in the nascent state of Telangana, the mute question is which is good for Telangana —- in the main a TRS truck with desultory Congress or reluctant BJP or going alone on its own. A great deal of discussion is taking place on the pros and cons of this issue.

A general debate in the public avers that if TRS goes alone it can get around 50 MLA seats as a single largest party and has to depend on other parties for about 10-15 seats for forming a stable government. Congress is supposed to get 30-35 seats. BJP may get 8-10 seats. If TRS and congress make an alliance they can sweep the polls. But, the incompatibility between TRS and T-Congress is too obvious for this combination to work. The problem here is who should be the dominant partner and from which party the CM candidate should be? Sharing of seats has become a helluva problem between these two parties. The TDP and BJP imbroglio in Telangana also has the similar seat sharing hiatus.

A TRS, BJP, CPI and ND combination as partners of TJAC, should be a most desirable combination. But CPI wants the alliance along with Congress and is not comfortable with BJP. TRS and T-BJP also do not see eye to eye in this matter though they are partners in TJAC. TRS and TJAC do not have such mutual relationship to each other to broker a workable arrangement. But, the said break in the alliance efforts of TDP and BJP, is bringing forth the speculation of possibility of TRS and T-BJP (BJP) coming together for the general elections in Telangana.

KCR move for tie-up with BJP

Primafacie, it appears to be a good proposition, because TRS and BJP combine, with their collective percentage of votes rather than their contesting separately, can win enough number of seats in the Assembly to form a stable government. BJP unlike Congress will not be in a position to dominate TRS in the government.

The T-BJP had participated in Telangana struggle with more commitment than T-Congress and played an important role in bringing around their wavering national executive to support T-Bill in the end. Unlike T-Congress, we can expect T-BJP playing a responsible complimentary role in Telangana government with TRS vis-à-vis their BJP national government in protecting the interests of Telangana, if BJP comes to power in the center, which appears to be more likely.

But, will the CBN and Modi honeymoon, which primarily is planned by CBN so painstakingly to spoil the sport for Telangana State, end so unceremoniously? Even if it ends, can TRS and BJP come together quickly and agree on an amicable seat sharing to form a durable alliance in the very few days remaining for such an eventful exercise? We will have to wait and see whether it can happen or any other permutation will take place. For Telangana State, the immediate need is to consolidate the new state in to a self-governing, viable and vibrant state against the machinations of political parties, inimical to its interests.

At the end of the day it should be a combination which will form the government and augur well for the new state of Telangana to bring it out of its imposed probation, make it a full-fledged autonomous state like any other state in India, removing all the fetters fastened to it and lay the road for its rapid reconstruction. May be it would be a blessing in disguise for TRS if no alliance works out with any major party, to go alone with seat adjustments with its minor partners.

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