
Telangana issue will be decided this month: KCR

TRS president K Chandrasekhar Rao today expressed confidence that the Telangana issue will be decided this month.

“Telangana issue will be decided this month. There need not be any doubts over this,” Rao, a Lok Sabha member, told reporters here before leaving for New Delhi to attend Parliament session.

He indicated there are chances of talks over the contentious issue during his stay in Delhi.

The TRS president had been saying for long that he has got “signals” and “assurance” over formation of the separate state from Central leaders in Delhi.

He had also said the Telangana agitation would be intensified once again if the Centre went back on its promise.

The ruling Congress MPs from the region, however, maintained that they did not get any such signals but vowed to continue their efforts for achieving separate state.

The other pro-Telangana parties like BJP and CPI kept up their campaign for separate state. BJP leaders held a three-day fast during the last three days in Delhi, while the CPI undertook a ‘yatra’ in Telangana region recently.

The Telangana political Joint Action Committee (JAC), comprising TRS, BJP and several other people’s organisations, have met Union Minister Vayalar Ravi, who is involved in handling Congress affairs in AP, and other Central leaders in the last few days in New Delhi and urged them to take an expeditious decision on the Telangana issue. [PTI]

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