
Telangana within 3 months if NDA comes to power: BJP

Attacking the UPA over Telangana issue, the BJP today claimed that the government was not interested in meeting the demand and promised a separate state within three months of being voted to power at the Centre.

Joining activists from Andhra Pradesh on the last day of the three-day fast to press for the separate statehood demand, BJP leader L K Advani asked the people to elect a party which includes Telangana in its election manifesto and stop believing in Congress’ “false promises”. He said BJP will make Telangana a major issue along with corruption in the next elections. “There is no other alternative but to change the government in New Delhi. We all have to take a decision of believing in party which is serious on this issue and promises to form the state in its manifesto,” he said.

Addressing the protesters, Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha Sushma Swaraj said “this wait will be fruitful. Nothing can stop us from getting Telangana. “Telangana will be created in three months once BJP government is sworn in,” she said, adding “UPA government is not interested in creating Telangana though it had mentioned in its election manifesto.”

Advani regretted that formation of Telangana was not part of his party’s manifesto in 1998 when NDA came to power for the first time. “We had promised formation of Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Uttarakhand in our manifesto and we created these states. Had we mentioned formation of Telangana also, it would have happened,” Advani said.

Claiming that NDA allies were not in support over the issue at that time, he said, “Our allies were not in favour, though later they also agreed. But I sincerely regret this. This will not happen again. We promise our whole hearted support to this movement”. Taking a dig at the UPA government, Advani said, “Sonia Gandhi has mentioned this in her election manifesto in 2004 but did nothing and in 2009 she did not even mention it. UPA’s Home Minister also backtracked after promising creation of this state. This shows their intention.” (PTI)

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