
Sampoorna Telangana Deeksha on 7th Jan

“There are certain conditions in Telangana draft bill that are not acceptable to us. We want them to be amended. But the Seemandhra leaders are not allowing any discussion on the bill. TJAC would be holding a “Sampoorna Telangana Deeksha” on 7th January, with a demand to remove these conditions” said TJAC Chairman Prof Kodandaram.

He was speaking at “Sampoorna Telangana Sadhana Sabha” held at Telangana Chowk yesterday evening.

TRS MLA Harish Rao ridiculed the three Andhra Babus, who are running away from discussion on the bill. He said the Seemandhra leaders actions are like a TV Reality Show. Harish Rao expressed confidence that Telangana people would achieve a complete Telangana under the leadership of KCR, Kodandaram and Harish Rao.

BJP MLA Yendala Lakshmi Narayana said Congress has failed to convince its own partymen.

Employee leader Vittal, and local JAC leaders also participated in the meeting.

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