
Prof. Kodandaram vs. Geetha Reddy

By: Sujai Karampuri


Today, we are witnessing a furor in the media, and also in some streets, over Prof. Kodandaram’s statement made against the Minister Geetha Reddy.

Obviously, Geetha Reddy and her supporters are offended by his statement. And his apology has not simmered the anger. Some people have even gone ahead to file a SC/ST Atrocities (Prevention) case against him. Looks like there are nearly 22 cognizable offences in this Act, but the one applicable in this case could be:
(x) intentionally insults or intimidates with intent to humiliate a member of a Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe in any place within public view;

If insulting any member of SC/ST in a public place is tantamount to atrocity against that person, we are on a slippery slope here. What if that SC/ST person happens to be an administrator of a region? Should everyone just shut up and stop criticizing no matter how unpleasant his administration is? What if that SC/ST person happens to Prime Minister of India? Should all the media agencies stop criticizing our PM? Should all opposition party members stop ridiculing the Prime Minister forever with the fear of being booked for atrocities against SC/ST? Where such an act “shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than six months but which may extend to five years and with fine”?

The relevant question to ask is: Was Geetha Reddy criticized for being a Minister in AP Cabinet, or for being a woman, or for being a SC/ST?

Recently, Mamata Banerjee conveniently equated criticism against her as Chief Minister to ‘outraging modesty and humiliating a woman’ to stifle voice of opposition, putting the critics behind bars. Is the current issue in our region not similar to that?

While many of us here are strong advocates of rights of SC/ST and work for their uplifting, we should seriously oppose these tactics where the existing stringent laws, which are intended to protect the weak and wretched, are instead used to protect the rich and powerful. A law that can be misinterpreted to stifle democracy, curb the freedom of expression of common man, stop all debate, criticism and voice of dissent, is a flawed law. And we are looking at one right now.

Geetha Reddy, though her last name doesn’t suggest it, may be SC/ST, maybe she is a woman, may she has other handicaps. But that’s does not describe her completely. She is much more than that. She is the Minister for Major Industries, Sugar, Commerce and Export Promotion, in the Cabinet of State of Andhra Pradesh. It is a big and powerful position. She represents the authority, the state administration, and therefore considered a ruler, a wolf against whom are pitted the common people, the sheep.

Here, Geetha Reddy is not a weak, wretched, person of SC/ST background, but a rich, powerful, Minister of AP Cabinet. She represents the rulers who needs to be criticized and checked for abuse of power. She represents the authority and therefore doesn’t need protection from criticism from a common man.

A law that is designed to protect SC/ST person cannot be and should not be used by a powerful authority to curb criticism against her/him.

The current trend in our region is ominous. It is far bigger than the cause of Telangana, and hence it needs to be combated. Because in near future, Geetha Reddy could be a Minister once Telangana is formed. Are we telling ourselves that we have given up the right to criticize her forever?

The question we have in front of us is not if Prof. Kodandaram’s statements were appropriate, but if we as citizens have a right to criticize our elected leaders. Inclusive in Right to Speech is the Right to Offend. Without this right to offend, we cannot keep the rulers in check.

I believe that we need to come out and speak up in support of Prof. Kodandaram and explain to people that criticism of Geetha Reddy is not an atrocity against SC/ST person, but a criticism of the elected leader who represent the rulers, and who are currently seen as a class of oppressors.

I stand in support and extend my solidarity to Prof. Kodandaram at this juncture. I stand by his sincere efforts to attain statehood to Telangana and in this fight we are all united.

I hope others in our region come forward and lend their support to Prof. Kodandaram at this critical hour.



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