
People cannot be distanced from TRS by bad propaganda of BJP.

The intensified propaganda against the ruling TRS government by the BJP would not yield any result.
It would only boomerang. The development and welfare programmes are there to see and people are happy with the TRS government.
Be it Kaleswaram the stupendous irrigation project or splendid renovated Yadadri temple, Chief minister Mr KCR said it and delivered. He only earned more faith from people.
What is BJP doing in the state except making false allegations? They keep on claiming to come to power here. How do they do it without ever getting any project or welfare to Telangana?
Moreover, people are averse to the way Mr Bandi Sanjay and D Aravind addressing the revered chief minister and his family members whom people knew spent their lives in achieving the separate Telangana.
How can BJP leaders become close to people? How do they think people of Telangana are angry with the ruling TRS party? There are no bases for their assumptions.
Neither the BJP nor the Congress are alternative forces to the TRS party in Telangana in the immediate future.
They should go to people and work to earn their trust rather than indulging false propaganda against the TRS that has been delivering.
People are also angry with the BJP’s claims of sending Mr KCR to jail, the most heinous remark. It is impossible to do so and if they misuse the agencies, the BJP will be rooted out in Telangana forever.
Can anyone, even an illiterate in Telangana, dispute the role of Mr KCR in formation of separate Telangana? Even now the whole of Telangana rallies behind him. He continues to have his spell over the people. People listen to him in rapt attention, the skill no other politician has perhaps in the country.

By Gollapudi Srinivasa Rao

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