
Newly recruited Gurukul teachers yet to receive salaries

Joining a job and receiving the first salary is a joyous milestone for many. Traditionally, new employees celebrate by buying gifts for their families. However, this excitement has turned to frustration for those recently employed at Gurukul educational institutions. Despite starting work in late July, many have yet to receive their first salaries.

As of now, 8,307 individuals have secured postings as TGTs, PGTs, and other roles across various Gurukuls in the state. While they completed all necessary paperwork to facilitate salary disbursement, the funds have not been released.

Salaries due on September 1 for the previous month’s work have still not been paid as of September 18. The situation is equally dire for outsourcing staff, who have not received payment for three months. Over 3,500 staff members working in various capacities, such as part-time and guest faculty, are awaiting wages for June, July, and August.

Regular employees in Gurukuls are also suffering. Timely payments have become an exception rather than the rule, with many unable to meet their financial obligations due to delayed salaries.