
MEAI, Hyderabad chapter contributes to Kerala Flood relief fund

The recent calamity has devastated the entire state of Kerala wherein hundreds of lives were lost and thousands of people were left without homes. While Kerala is swiftly recovering from the unprecedented flood havoc, help continues to flow in from across the country.

Hyderabad chapter of Mining Engineers Association of India has decided to contribute to the Chief Minister’s Distress Relief Fund, Kerala Government. The MEAI has come forward to do their bit in helping the families and individuals affected by natural calamity.

S Krishna Murthy, Secy General, Mining Engineers Association of India met Minister KT Rama Rao & handed over a cheque of Rs 5,82,660 as a contribution for the CM Distress Relief Fund, Kerala Govt. TV Chowdary, Former President, MEAI & Susheel Kumar, Chairman, MEAI also participated.

The Mining Engineers’ Association of India is founded in 1957, a premier professional non-profit making the body in the country having members with experience in Mining, Geology, Geophysics, Metallurgy and allied subjects related to Mining and Mineral Industry. The Head Quarters of the Association is at Hyderabad.

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