
Hyderabad Manade slogan of Seemandhra – a proposal for consideration

By: Soonya

For those Seemandhra migrants who made Hyderabad their home and who think Hyderabad belongs to them here are a few proposals.

Please do keep the original Hyderabad before the merger with you but on a few conditions. The old city, with Mallepally, Chatrinaka, Shalibanda including the iconic buildings you can keep. But you shall pay for the antique value and tourist value in compensation. You can pay UNESCO to evaluate the value of these iconic buildings.

All the land that has been annexed from Nalgonda, Medak, Karimnagar, Rangareddy and Mahboobnagar should be left with Telangana.

You only send clean water into Musi beyond your city limits. You keep all the tonnes of garbage that you produce in your own city or airlift to wherever you want. Please do clean up Autonagar, Hafizkhanpet and stop dumping in Jawaharnagar. And please take back all the garbage from Jawaharnagar.

Please do pay compensation for the stink created in all the above places.

Since you were very visionary and destroyed all drinking water resources by either converting them into real-estate projects or shrunk them for real-estate purposes, please do live with the water that the Rain God gives you. You cannot steal water from either Singur or from Sagar. If you wish to impound water in the

Musi river you can but you have to follow riparian principles. You are entitled to the water that you get from precipitation in the original part of Hyderabad.

Since you denied and violated all the laws of land of erstwhile Hyderabad state, you have no right to seek the water from the catchment area in Telangana.

Similarly every time that you enter into Hyderabad city (1956 part only) you have to pay appropriate taxes, toll, octroi as decided by Telangana State. All goods that are transported to and from Hyderabad will be taxed.

You can have the Hyderabad that was the original Hyderabad sans the atrafbalda and sarf-e-khas lands.

All the lands beyond original Hyderabad as defined in 1956 will belong to Telangana.

Osman Sagar and Himayat sagar are part of Telangana. We will charge you per liter if you wish to use the water – as a concession we will only charge you 50% of the cost of bottled water if you wish to buy. Since you violated the firman of Nizam not to have any activity in the catchment areas of Osman Sagar and Himayatsagar all lands that have been brought into various uses will be confiscated or shall be regularized as per the new norms for sustainability defined by the Telangana Environment Protection Act to be enacted. The act will be effective retrospectively since 1956.

If you wish to bring waters from Godavari or Krishna (part of your allocation as per water tribunals so far, you shall pay a ‘transition’ tax and shall leave about 30% water for people in the villages through which such pipe/s or water canals go through.

Henceforth no Singur water and Sagar water to your city unless you pay for it and after due humanitarian considerations on the part of Telangana state, which you shall acknowledge on all the water-bills that you send to residents of old Hyderabad.

All goods that move into Hyderabad, including vegetables will be taxed.

Since Gachibowli, Hitec city are part of atraf-balda , they shall belong to Telangana. So do Kukatpally, Dilsukhnagar and other areas that were not part of old Hyderabad. So will the new airport be. We leave the Begumpet airport and the Jubilee Bus Station and Imliban bus station to you. But you have to pay for building a Bus station like Imbliban and Jubilee Bus Station in Telangana. We will leave the British made hangars in Gowliguda for your own use.

Telangana also will enact a new Insider Trading Prohibition Act to be in effect since 1956. All the pecuniary benefits that are accrued to all the realtors either from Telangana or Seema or Andhra shall be evaluated in market value terms of today and you shall be liable to pay such amounts to all the farmers who sold their lands cheaply or have been procured by an illegitimate government forcibly in the absence of information which was selectively shared among a select cohort under the AP regimes. In case of default of payment after the valuation, persons who indulged in Insider Trading of land shall be liable to both criminal and civil compensation proceedings. We shall institute a fast track court to enable you to get justice quickly. If necessary more courts will be instituted for the purpose. After all justice delayed is justice denied. We are very compassionate and would not like your realtors to agonizingly wait for ever for the cases to be closed.

The National Police Academy and other institutions that are not part of original Hyderabad area would be in the domain of Telangana.

Since we are leaving the Osmania Hospital, Jadjikhana, Niloufer, Chest hospital, Nizams etc., and the world-class teaching hospitals you shall pay for building similar institutions in Telangana. The payment shall be in advance and shall be full as Telangana cannot waste any time in establishing such institutions. In case you are unable to pay in advance, our students and patients will have full access to these institutions till such time you pay.

All vehicles that ply beyond the boundaries of old Hyderabad or Balda will have to pay road tax. To make it easy for you and for ease of traffic flow we will issue E-Z passes that you can buy for a period of a year or so.

Those of you who have bought lands legitimately in Telangana (beyond the old city of Hyderabad) will have to pay tax or compensation for violating the Gentleman’s agreement that you would not buy land without express permission of Telangana Regional Board. We will help you regularize with a modern single window and single payment system. We will also offer an e-payment system akin to your Mee-Seva or E-Seva for your convenience. It shall be named as T-Seva.

Those of you who have occupied lands or used Shikham lands will pay double penalty and those who have occupied or regularized Wakf lands will pay the differential of the land rates as of today’s market prices, with a penalty for violating the laws of the land. Otherwise all lands and buildings will be seized.

Those of you who have made Telangana your home would be respected and your jobs in private sector will be protected. You will have rights like any other Indian citizen under the constitution of India to work and do business in Telangana.

But those of you who have violated the agreements and have jobs in Telangana will be repatriated or if you wish to continue in your government jobs you will have to pay the earnings for the whole period that you have occupied these jobs so far, with reasonable bank interest. It will be remitted to a T-Fund, which will be used to create more jobs.

Similarly you shall reciprocate and give all rights to Telangana people who are living in the bastis of old Hyderabad.

You shall compensate for the old buildings of Hyderabad – Secretariat, Charminar, Assembly etc., for having used for the last 57 years and shall pay their market value (replacement value) today so that Telangana can build its own Capital around the old Hyderabad.

The state of Telangana sans the old Hyderabad, which you are so particular about, will have to be compensated for damaging the eco-system and livelihoods of thousands of farmers from whom land has been procured at throw-awayprices for laying the outer-ring-road and such other amenities. We wish to offer an easy installment scheme whereby every liter of water that is discharged into the right canal will be metered and shall be released only after we receive the necessary payment. If there is a default for any reason, we reserve the right to re-purpose the water or reclaim the inundated villages in Telangana by reducing the height of the Nagarjuna Sagar dam. Alternately you can build another dam down stream Nagarjuna Sagar and store the water for your own purposes to avoid unnecessary complications and demands to release water even during the dead storage level events. That would be beneficial to you and as the waters accumulate in Sagar we will release your quota as per the Central Tribunals and as per riparian norms. We will give you 3 years to build a separate dam for yourselves and if you for some reason delay the construction we will have full rights on the waters to be either used or released into the ocean. You shall have no claim on the waters if the new dam is not constructed within the stipulated period.

And of course you shall pay for all the water illegally stolen from the people of Hyderabad with compound interest with annual rests (after all we are not ungracious like you) for the last 6 decades.

And we will appoint a Telangana Truth and Reconciliation and Reconstruction Commission, which will go through all the films that your produced and for every insult and depiction where Telangana people or its culture were wrongfully presented you shall be accountable for paying to a Telangana Cultural Fund.

You shall share all the revenue collected from Nizam by those films and add a 20% penalty per year since the release of the film till the day Telangana bill is passed and shall deposit with the TCF. Any future films or any other productions means such as Television serials, internet content, made shall, if they need to have a Telangana person, history, historical figure to be represented, get the script of the film or content vetted by a special committee of TCF which shall decide whether it is acceptable and if so will assess the IP value of the same and you shall share part of the projected revenue as advance and if the generated revenue is less than the projections money will be returned pro-rata. Similarly if the revenues generated are larger than projections money shall be deposited in TCF as per the norms.

You shall also compensate for messing with our minds by hiding our history and obliterating from the textbooks. You shall pay for all textbooks printed for Telangana students for the next 58 years with a due apology printed on the cover.

For any reason any negative depiction of either a Telangana person or Telangana culture will be liable for a fine and a ban on exhibition in Nizam districts.

And all those polluting industries that your industrialists have established in Telangana and which have polluted the ground water aquifers shall compensate Telangana appropriately as determined by TTRRC. Any failure to do so will lead to the pollutants collected at your cost and be dumped in either Krishna waters down stream of Sagar or in Godavari in Rajahmundry. We shall appoint worldclass supply chain firm to collect the pollutants and deliver to your region for your safe keep.

And you shall contain the air pollution in the 1956 demarcated Hyderabad city so that they do not pollute our air in nearby Telangana districts. This shall be determined by IPCC or TERI and the all the measurement and evaluation studies shall be paid by you. If found in default you may construct appropriate wall around your ‘old city of Hyderabad’ such that the pollutants do not get carried by winds into our territory.

And finally since Hyderabad city gets its name from the state of Hyderabad you shall pay for the brand like Tata companies pay to Tata Sons for using the brand.

The TTRRC will decide the value of the brand by appointing a Brand Valuation company of international repute and the costs for evaluation shall be borne by you.

If you do not wish to use the Brand Hyderabad, we will be glad to allow you to use whatever name you might want to christen the old part of Hyderabad that will be handed over to you and your minions like the ‘Hyderabad brothers’ and friends like MIME.

If you are willing for the above conditions we will be happy to let go of Hyderabad (old boundaries) for you. You can claim Hyderabad Manade provided you chose to pay for the Brand as mentioned in an earlier para!

Now if you wish to make the true and original Hyderabad into second capital of the country or wish to share with Rayalaseema we leave it to you as some of your leaders like Bundaballi are recommending.

If these are not acceptable to you please forget about Hyderabad, as our young Salar from Hyderabad said in the Lok Sabha, and start planning for a new city for yourselves. We will stand by you in your fight with the center for getting appropriate funding.

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