
Hyd should belong to Telangana: MIM

MIM is planning to submit a report to the GoM stating that Telangana state government should have full control over Hyderabad city. In its note, the party leadership has expressed its opposition to both UT status and also any central control over Hyderabad.

MIM also opines that Hyderabad should not be joint-capital for Seemandhra for 10 years, Instead, they want Hyderabad to be just a transitory capital.

To buttress its argument, MIM is planning to cite the example of Madras city status during the separation of Andhra, and Bombay city status during formation of Gujarat and Maharashtra.

An MIM leader, who was associated with drafting the note to GoM said  “Imposing neutral control on any administrative subject, whether it is land, law and order or urban development, negates the very purpose of creating a separate state of Telangana”.

MIM leadership feels that the concerns of Seemandhras in Hyderabad could be addressed by other measures, but not by diluting the status of Hyderabad.

The party is also going to write to GoM about minority welfare post bifurcation.


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