
Farmers urged to opt for other crops than paddy

The state government has released a poster advising farmers to opt for oil seeds and other crops than paddy.

Since the central government is refusing to buy paddy from Telangana farmers, the farmers should be cautious and not get into distress later.

The poster features what to sow and how much a farmer could reap per acre.
The agriculture scientists of Jayashankar Agricultural University say the farmers can double their income with pulses and oilseed cultivation rather than opting for paddy.

As against the investment of one rupee, a farmer can get Rs 2.74 by cultivating sunflower. Similarly, they get Rs 2.44 cultivating Bengal gram, Rs 2.40 castor oil, Rs 2 for black mustard seed cultivation and Rs 1.77 for groundnut. “The returns are high in cultivation of pulses and oil seeds,” the scientists say.

As the Central government made it clear that it will not procure paddy in the ensuing season, the Telangana state government has decided to sensitise farmers to opt for cultivation of crops other than paddy.

“The pulses and oil seeds are getting more than the Minimum Support Price (MSP) due to shortage of production. The farmers should make use of this situation to double their income. By cultivating chilli, cotton and paddy always, the farmers are facing trouble in getting even their investment in return,” the agricultural scientists observed in their recent study.

They said the MSP for groundnut per quintal is Rs 5,500, Bengal gram is Rs 5,230, sunflower Rs 6,015, Green gram Rs 7,275 and mustard Rs 5,050.

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