Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao on Tuesday exhorted all the departments to ensure that all the civic amenities available within the GHMC jurisdiction should be extended to the entire Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA) area too.
At a meeting of the committees of people’s representatives, Mr. Rao has also resolved to send teams of legislators to Delhi, Nagpur and Jaipur cities, to study the waste management and other urban amenities there, and make recommendations for the city. The teams will tour the three cities on June 13, 14 and 15, and study the urban facilities there, before meeting again for final decisions about the city’s development, a press release from the CMO informed on Tuesday.
Committees of MLAs, MLCs and MPs, created to make suggestions with regard to services by GHMC, HMDA, and Hyderabad Metro Water Works, participated in the meeting at MCRHRD institute, where Mr.Rao assured that the funding and government schemes for the city will based only on the reports submitted by the committees.
He asked officials to arrange for garbage clearance on experimental basis, before a permanent solution is devised. Auto trolleys and rickshaws should be deployed in different areas for waste collection, so as to be able to arrive at an estimate of the requirement of vehicles. Special arrangements should be made to transport the waste generated from commercial establishments, hospitals, function halls, and markets.
Quite a few members expressed displeasure at the functioning of Ramky group, to which the city’s waste management has been handed over. A decision about the same has been deferred to next meeting. Mr.Rao asked officials to address the issues which surfaced during the ‘Swachh Hyderabad’ initiative.
Source: The Hindu