Dr.Palla Rajeshwar Reddy, a leading higher educationist and public warrior activist from Telangana was born in a highly respected landed family in the eventful decade of 1960 in a village called Sodeshapally, not far from the historical town of Warangal, which was the seat of the great Kakatiya dynasty in Telangana region.
Dr. Rajeshwar Reddy’s migration to Hyderabad for higher studies at the Osmania University set a new course for his chequered future. The Osmania campus, a melting pot of student politics, not only opened new windows to the world but also provided him with opportunities to hammer and shape the steel on the simmering coal fires of conflicting political ideologies. Soon he found himself walking along with the progressive section of the students, the Students Federation of India. Even as his interest in politics was evolving, Raju, as he was fondly called by his friends, focused equally well on his education. He was recognized as a brilliant student of physics at the University and presented some innovative research papers at national seminars, one of which had won him the coveted Dr. Tamhanker National prize from the Magnetic Society of India.
Being a student of science, Dr. Rajeshwar Reddy has developed an inquisitive and probing mind and was started seeking answers to the super natural questions. He led Jana Vignana Vedika, an anti superstitions movement and addressed hundreds of gathering in rural Telangana where Baanamathi, a form of black magic was rampant. Dr. Rajeshwar travels very widely not only in Andhra Pradesh but also outside India to attend technical education and business management related workshops, seminars and conferences at various universities across continents. His habit of staying connected with ordinary people makes him unique with down to earth leadership qualities. Though his images as a public figure is largely in the sphere of education, he had acquired immense popularity among the common people through regular appearance in prime time debate panels on leading Telugu news channels. He is also recognized as an activist for democratic rights and is actively associated with the well known Forum for Democracy.
Dr. Rajeshwar Reddy’s pivotal role as the General Secretary of the Consortium of Engineering College Managements Associations of Andhra Pradesh, when the future of more than 700 colleges in the state along with their students numbering more than a million was plunged into total darkness and the subsequent solutions found for the fees reimbursement crisis was seen as a landmark achievement in his public life.
Presently Dr. Rajeshwar Reddy heads one of the largest groups of higher education in Telangana which keeps him in constant touch with both urban and rural youth and thousands of their parents who flock to meet him day in and day out. His Anurag Group Educational Institutions operates from seven locations in Nalgonda, Ranga Reddy and Hyderabad districts. The Group has 1800 employees and about 18.500 students are pursuing higher education in the group. Owing to his overt nature in dealing with tens of thousands of people over the years, he had nurtured and developed very wide social and political relationships with people.
Dr. Rajeshwar Reddy is viewed as a strong and uncompromising votary for Telangana state and was implicated in cases for allegedly funding the pro Telangana political activities. He was put in a jail for a week and eleven cases are waiting trail activity. He is one of the tallest personalities in the region with a character as unblemished as a Siberian crane. He knows his area of as a fish knows the depth and the boundaries of its lake.

• Primary School: UPS Mallikudurla, Dharma Sagar Mandal, Warangal District: 1969-76.B.Sc (M.P.E): SR & BGNR Govt. Degree College, Khammam: 1981-84.
• M.Sc(Physics) University College of Science, Osmania University, Hyderabad: 1984-84.
• Ph.D (Physics): Dept, of Physics, Osmania University, Hyderabad 1988-91.
• Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) UGCNET 1987-89
• Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) UGCNET 1989-92
• Dr. Tamhanker Memorial Prize for one of the best research papers in the National Seminar conducted by Magnetic Society of India held at Pune, 14-15 May, 1996.
• Certificate of Leadership Workshop- University of Darden School of Business, Virgenia, U.S.A.
Posts Held
• Students Federation of India (SFI), Osmania University Secretary, 1985-87 and SFI Hyderabad City Secretary, 1988-91.
• Former Secretary, Jana Vignana Vedika, Hyderabad: Worked in Ranga Reddy and other backward areas of Telangana for creating awareness on scientific thinking and against such as the “Banamathi” and superstition other social evils.
• Academic Senate Member, Osmania University, Hyderbad: As an academic senate member, raised important issues like creating an environment for research in all the departments to attract more P.G. students to research. Encourages the faculty to work for more grants projects and qualitative research.
• General Secretary, Consortium of Engineering Colleges Managements Associations of A.P.(CECMA) played key role in resolving the fee reimbursement crisis: presented constructive proposals to the AICTE, Univerisities an State Govt., on providing qualitative education.
Teaching & Administration
• Principal, Anurag Engineering College, Ananthagiri (V), Kodad (M), Nalgonda (Dt) from August, 2001 to June, 2003.
• Principal, Sri Sai Degree & P.G. College, Hyderabad from June, 1998 to July, 2001.
• As a lecturer taught at Nawab Shah Alam Khan Centre for Post Graduction Studies and Research, Anwar-UL-ULoom College, Hyderabad from Feb, 1992 to April, 1997.
• Anurag Group of Institutions (formerly CVSR College of Engineering, formerly Lalitha Degree & P.G.College and formerly Lalitha College of Pharmacy), Venkatapur(V), Ghatkesar (M), R.R.Dist.
• Lalitha College of Education, Venkatapur(V), Ghatkesar(M), R.R.Dist.
Secretary / Correspondent
• Vidya Jyothi Institute of of Technology, Aziz Nagar, CB Post, Moinabad, R.R.Dist.
• Anurag Engineering College, Ananthagiri(V), Kodad(M), Nalgonda(Dt).
• Anurag Engineering College, Anushapur(V), Ghatkesar(M), R.R.Dist.
• Anurag pharmacy College, Ananthagiri(V), Kodad(M), Nalgonda(Dt).
• Sri Sai Degree & P.G. College, Dilsukh Nagar, Hyderabad.
Chairman, Governing Body
• Einstein P.G. College, Nadergul, Saroornagar, R.R.Dist.
• Einstein College of Education, Nadergul, Saroornagar, R.R.Dist.
At a Glance
• General Secretary, Osmania University Committee, SFI (1985-88).Hyderabad District Committee, SFI (1989-91). State vice-President, SFI(1989-91)
• Established Educational Institutions under the banner of Anurag Group of Institutions – 5 Engineering Colleges, 2 Pharmacy Colleges, 3 P.G. Colleges, 2 Degree Colleges, 3 B.Ed. Colleges & 2 D.Ed. Colleges.
• Currently, about 2500 students are graduating from the Institutions annually.
• Over 2000 employees are working in the institutions functioning in Hyderabad, Ranga Reddy, Nalgonda and Medak districts.
• In the last one decade 8000 students have passed out from Anurag Group of Institutions.
New Objective :
• To join the new wave of change that is sweeping across the country and follow the emerging young leadership which reiterates a commitement for strengthening the secular, progressive and democratic fabric of India. To involve with true conviction in a political activity which ensures not only the creation of wealth but also its equal distribution. To work for and embrace a political philosophy that promices real peace, food, employment and health to all Indians.
On solid Ground
Education, Establishment and Reach: B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. Osmania University, Hyderabad
Studied in three districts – Warangal, Khammam and Hyderabad in Telangana. Many leaders of social movements and political cordially interacted with parties in three districts.
Established a premier higher educational group popularly known as Anurag Group of Institutions spread in four districts Nalgonda, Ranga Reddy, Medak and Hyderabad. Maintains regular contacts with most educational institutions, leaders of social movement in these four large and politically sensitive districts.
• Nearly 18000 students pursuing studies and 2000 employees work in Anurag Group.
• Facility of free education is extended to children of whole timers of many social movements.
Organisation skills and experience:
• From intermediate to doctorate, actively participated in student organisation polities.
• Worked as Secretary SFI, Osmania University, Hyderabad. City secretary and AP Vice President.
• Actively participated in anti capitation fees movement in AP, which resulted in the fall of the govt. in 1987.
• Actively participated in pro reservation movement in 1988-89.