
CPI Telangana Poru Meeting Today

CPI, a party with a strong cadre base in Telangana, is all set to intensify its agitation for a separate state. The party is holding a public meeting at the Nizam College grounds today as a conclusion to the 10-day long Telangana Poru Yatra which began on  June 4.

Talking to the media on Tuesday, party state secretary K Narayana said the meeting will predominantly focus on the issue of separate T state along with other issues like corruption and black money.

Narayana said national secretary of the party AB Bardhan would be addressing the `Jata’. “The state unit wants to convert the fight for separate T state into the party’s national agenda,” he said.

Lashing out at the Congress, Narayana said that the party created confusion in the state and stoked passions in the region for narrow political gains. “After coming to power, they went back on their decision on T. The December 9 statement and the one that followed later were two classic examples of how the Congress party was playing with the sentiments of the people. In the process, the state has been pushed into a state of uncertainty and development had taken a beating,” he added.

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