Bharat Rashtra Samithi Working President KTR accused the Congress government of looting Rs. 20,000 crore from the people of Telangana through the Land Regularization Scheme (LRS). In a press conference held at Telangana Bhavan today, KTR demanded the immediate regularization of plots through LRS without charging any fees from the applicants.
He recalled that the Congress party, in the past, had promised that there would be no need for LRS fee, and land regularization would be done for free. KTR questioned the silence of the present Congress ministers now, who had strongly opposed LRS in the past. He emphasized that the Congress leaders, including Revanth Reddy, Bhatti Vikramarka, Seethakka, Komatireddy, and Uttamkumar Reddy, who spoke against LRS during BRS govt, should explain why they are silent now after coming to power.
KTR highlighted that 25.44 lakh people who applied through LRS would be burdened with at least ₹1lakh each, as the Congress government appears to be reneging on its promise. BRS party called for protest programs across the state on March 6, demanding the regularization of plots through LRS by the Congress government without any charges.
Addressing the media, KTR expressed disappointment over Congress leaders’ flip-flop on LRS. He played videos of the criticism done by congress leaders on LRS as a means to loot money from the people. He accused the state government of pressuring LRS applicants to pay the charges before March 31, likening it to “drinking blood of people.”
KTR specifically questioned, Bhatti Vikramraka and Uttamkumar Reddy, who had previously asserted ‘no LRS – no BRS,’ and demanded an explanation for the apparent contradiction.
Venting ire against the Congress party leaders and ministers, KTR announced protest programs across the state on March 6. These programs will include dharnas in every constituency and special protests in Hyderabad, particularly in front of the Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA) and the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) offices. KTR warned the state government to immediately announce that no charges would be collected under the LRS program, as promised by Congress.