
Biased media’s one last circus!

Since yesterday certain renowned English Media outlets have started a new circus. This is an old and oft repeated tactic of these guys. They just pick a line or two from KCR’s speech, add their own ‘masala’, quote it out of context and then blow it out of proportion.

Media houses, which are on the payroll of Seemandhra money bags have used this strategy so many times, and Telangana people are really tired of such cheap techniques.

TRS had submitted a detailed note to GoM yesterday on various issues related to Telangana. In that note, TRS devoted a section to public employment. Here is what is written in that note:

Telangana employees have suffered gross injustice at the hands of AP government. Many non-locals, who were recruited against quota of 20 pc (district category), 30 pc (non-gazetted category) and 40 pc (gazetted category) have to be repatriated based on the definition of ‘local candidate’ as defined in the Presidential Order 1975, and on the basis of nativity as reflected in the service registers. 

But, our biased media, which is eagerly waiting to somehow create a controversy out of everything that KCR speaks, immediately jumped in and here is what B V Sivasankar writes in Times of India. Look at the deliberate distortion in the heading and opening lines of the news article:

Seemandhra employees will have to leave Telangana jobs, TRS chief says

In a loaded statement that is likely to fuel fresh controversy, Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) chief K Chandrasekhar Rao categorically stated on Sunday that after the formation of a new state, employees from Seemandhra would have to vacate posts held in Telangana region.

So, TOI wants to hide the real meaning of TRS party’s note to GoM, and attempts to stoke the passions on the other side of the divide by misquoting KCR.

NDTV then picks up where TOI left and telecast this “discussion”.

Thanks to Uma Sudhir, who never attempts to hide her anti-Telangana bias, the story is further twisted and is titled TRS threat to govt employees: Bullying tactics?”

Now, we are curious to know why a mere note to GoM, requesting it to take corrective action on a injustice, is branded as “threat” and “bullying” by the NDTV folks.

Luckily KTR, who participated in the discussion did a neat job of demolishing these false accusations.

Not to be left behind, First Post jumped on this story and attempted to do its own mischief.

Devoid of any facts, or research, the First Post staff quote the TOI story and the add their own anti-Telangana masala.

Here’s what FP staff write in their opening lines:

In a sign that can bode no good to anyone in the already troubled Andhra Pradesh, Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) chief K Chandrasekhar Rao categorically stated that employees from Seemandhra would have to vacate posts held in the Telangana region once the new state is created.

Hope First Post understands how different the meaning of these lines is from the original lines used by TRS in its memorandum.

The issue of non-locals from Seemandhra illegally occupying jobs meant for Telangana locals has been raised by the statehood movement since last 4 decades.

Two Seemandhra Chief Ministers – Kasu Brahmananda Reddy, and NT Rama Rao have openly accepted that Seemandhras have in fact occupied jobs meant for Telangana locals. This fact has been acknowledged by Government Order 36 of 1969, Government Order 610 of 1985, Girglani Commission, Jaibharat Reddy Commission etc.

Telangana region lost severely due to injustice in public employment. This fact has been very well documented and has been brought up several times by the leadership.

It is only natural that TRS talks about repatriation of illegal non-local government employees during the formation of Telangana.

In any other country, people who illegally grab jobs meant for locals, by forging certificates, would be terminated from their service. Telangana people and leaders are not even taking that extreme stand. We are merely asking for repatriation of illegal non-local government employees to their respective regions.

We understand that Seemandhra money bags are making one last desperate attempt to scuttle the Telangana statehood process. We strongly believe that the latest smear campaign against TRS and KCR is the handiwork of the lobby opposed to Telangana.

We condemn the cheap attempt to obfuscate facts by some media houses. We request concerned media houses to check actual facts and not resort to anti-Telangan propaganda.

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