
Additional surcharge on electricity leaves Telangana industries in a bind

Industries in Telangana are facing significant challenges due to ongoing power outages and additional surcharges imposed by the Congress government. An extra surcharge of Rs. 1.40 per unit is being levied on electricity purchased through open access, a practice that has been restricted by the state. 

This surcharge, along with an 18 percent compounded interest on overdue payments, is straining the financial stability of industries, many of which are struggling to recover from shutdowns.

Industry leaders are urging the state government to lift the ban on open access electricity purchases and eliminate the additional surcharge. They argue that these measures are exacerbating the financial difficulties faced by industries, especially those attempting to restart after closures due to previous losses. Additionally, industries are seeking a one-time settlement option to clear accumulated electricity dues.

Under the Inter State Transmission System (ISTS) scheme, the central government offers substantial subsidies for rooftop solar energy. However, the state currently restricts rooftop solar installations to a maximum of one megawatt. Industry leaders are requesting an increase in this limit to five megawatts.

Furthermore, industries are advocating for permission to generate electricity from waste heat released by boilers. Currently, these gases are cooled and released into the atmosphere, adding to maintenance costs. Allowing industries to generate electricity from this waste heat could alleviate some of these burdens.

Industry representatives have recently submitted a petition to the CMD of TG Transco and Genco, outlining these concerns and requesting action. They warn that if these issues are not addressed, it will become increasingly difficult for industries to sustain their operations.