The Telangana government is contemplating bringing out an exclusive policy for the city of Hyderabad. It was decided to take more stringent measures for the conservation, development of ponds and natural water bodies under HMDA and GHMC jurisdictions. The state government plans to provide greenery for future generations through water conservation measures and make them pleasure-seeking points for the people of the respective areas.
At a recent meeting, Municipal Minister Mr K T Rama Rao instructed Special Chief Secretary Mr Arvind Kumar to take strong measures to preserve the ponds around the city of Hyderabad, which has earned an international reputation as one of the best cities in the world.
The ponds and lakes under GHMC and HMDA are unpopular and some irresponsible citizens have turned them into sewerage points. To overcome such situations and to rectify the situation, the government intends to hand over the responsibility of maintaining, developing, and reviving existing ponds to the area to local developers. They will be responsible for the development and preservation of lakes within their development area at the time of granting permission for lay-out, multi-story building, gated community, and commercial complex. Developers or agencies will be responsible for their maintenance up to a range of 500 meters to the water body.