
24th April is the deadline: TJAC

TRS Politbureau member Nayani Narasimha Reddy said that the Telangana suicides will stop only when Congress and TDP stop playing double-game on the Telangana issue.

He was addressing people at the Torch Rally called by Telangana Political JAC today at Mallapur in Hyderabad.

The Torch Rally was held to mark the beginning of 10-day protest programs launched by Telangana JAC. The JAC had already given an ultimatum to the union government to take a decision on the statehood issue by the 24th of April.

A 10 day Bus Yatra will begin from Gun Park tomorrow morning.

Telangana Jagruthi president K. Kavitha and several Telangana activists and representatives of people’s organizations participated in the Torch Rally.

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