
TRS manifesto: KCR promises to spend over Rs 75,000 crore if voted to power

TRS President K.Chandra Sekhar Rao released the party’s candidates list along with the manifesto in Hyderabad.

Two bedroom houses for weaker sections, Rs 50,000 crore for Dalit welfare and Rs 25,000 crore for backward classes are among the slew of promises made by TRS in its election manifesto released on Friday.

TRS President K Chandrasekhar Rao, who has ruled out an alliance with any party for the general and Legislative Assembly polls in Andhra Pradesh, said his party, if voted to power, would work for the welfare of poor and marginalised sections.

The “reconstruction” of Telangana, post its formation on June 2, would be possible only with TRS in power, he stressed.

“We have to take steps to fill power deficit. Congress and TDP Governments have failed miserably on Dalit welfare. About Rs 50,000 crore will be spent for Dalit welfare in the next five years.

“About Rs 25,000 crore will be spent for welfare of backward classes in five years,” he said.

Alleging that previous Governments did not do enough for Muslims, the TRS President said “a Rs 1,000 crore-budget” would be earmarked for their welfare.

Congress and TDP have been accusing the TRS President of going back on his promise to make a Dalit leader the first Chief Minister of Telangana.

TDP, trying to regain its glory in the region, has announced it would make a backward class leader the Chief Minister if voted to power in the soon-to-be created State.

Rao said the habitations of tribals would be recognised as Gram Panchayats and special measures taken for employees of Telangana Government.

“A TRS Government would be employee-friendly. A special Telangana increment would be given to celebrate the formation of separate Telangana. They will get salaries on par with the Central Government staff. Retired staff would be given pensions on par with Central Government staff.”

“Two bedroom houses would be built for weaker sections and given to them free of cost,” he said.

Memorials would be installed in honour of those who ”sacrificed their lives” for formation of Telangana and their families provided assistance, the TRS President said.

Other promises in the document include regularisation of contract staff, Rs 1,500 a month pension for disabled and Rs 1,000 for widows.

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