
The character of the ruling elite in Andhra Pradesh

By: Soonya

I have been thinking of writing about the characteristics of the ruling SA class (all of them since 1956, and the evolution).

But Allam Narayana beat me to it and he captured most of my thoughts in his recent article in Namasthe Telangana

I started writing by first capturing the human characteristics of these Ruling Andhra, Seema Class, Arrogant Lowlife (RASCAL)


The list of characteristics is given below. I tried to capture the essential nature of most of these RASCALs as gleaned from their betrayals, the expression of their thought, their disrespect of history, their lack of valuing the sacred and an inability to distinguish the sacred from the profane.




Lacking of principles

Lacking in statesmanship



Crony capitalist







No connect or appreciation of history



Back stabbing








I also tried to understand their myopic short-term exploitative ‘bakra ekhi baar kata hai’ kind of syndrome which led to the destruction of all cultural symbols of Hyderabad state.

I abstracted from their policies of luring, throwing crumbs and dog-biscuits to the canine character inclined charlatans from Telangana. Here is a take on the el cheapo T characters (ECT), and ECT (electro convulsive therapy, is the last resort of the psychiatrists to treat you know what)!


Like they say in Hyderabadi, ‘Angrez chale gaye, lekin avlaad chod gaye’, the feudal character of master and serf which has been ingrained in the low-life Telangana politicos who would rather polish the shoes of the master and fill their ever growing belly rather stand up with dignity which is the hall mark of a true Telangana person.

Have you noticed that all the SA parties’ fans and chota mota leaders have an ever growing midriff? Just observe the photographs of two leaders from Hyderabad! And also the gent who is seeking a ‘package’ for Telangana and was a willing victim of Operation Akarsh and crossed floors! And who is more British than the British! Of course the women are an exception, including some Telangana women ministers. I have not had an opportunity to see their men though – husbands and sons in this case.

Hmm, their new-found riches will be their nemesis in terms of their health. Nature has a way of dealing with excesses! For those who are in a begging line for freebies given by the RASCALs nature adds to their free list – free diabetes, free hypertension and probably free heart trouble! And grants them for ever till one exits the planet!

There is a Hyderabadi saying to depict their behavior ‘ ‘phookat me ayeto phenyl bhee peete’!

Folks go ahead and add more to the list; this is a copy-left list, no intellectual property for Soonya – you just have to pay ZERO!

One thing that we need to add to the Telangana culture, not that it is not there, but the overriding passion and a commitment to our ultimate goal makes us too serious and sounding angry all the time. We should learn to laugh at others and ourselves; – a healthy skepticism of every thing is a good antidote to depression!

I do invite and exhort the MissionTelangana moderators to start a series and create a space for jokes on RASCALs and the EL CHEAPOS from T (ECTs)! It would be great for those who are creative to contribute good cartoons as well – what more tribute can you pay to these cartoons?

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