
Telangana NRI Association Congratulates TRS and its leader KCR

Telangana NRI Association (TeNA) congratulates TRS party for winning the first ever assembly elections in the new state of Telangana. TeNA also congratulates KCR for getting elected as the leader of TRS party legislators paving the way for KCR to become the first ever Chief Minister of Telangana state.

TeNA also congratulates all the new elected MLAs and MPs belonging to various parties as they will start representing the Telangana state in the new assembly and the parliament.

For the first time, Telangana people have a chance to experience true self-rule and self-determination and it is historic by any proportions. TRS party as they form the first ever state government in Telangana state has a big responsibility to deliver stable and good governance and fulfill all the promises it made in its impressive manifesto.

TeNA recognizes that it is going to be a challenging first few years for the new government as we continue to share the capital city, Hyderabad and few other important institutions for the next 10 years with our neighboring state Andhra Pradesh. When it comes to negotiating various issues with Andhra Pradesh state, TeNA expects TRS government to be vigilant and put up the same level of spirited fight as they did during the past 13 years of Telangana movement,

We as representatives of Telangana NRI community worldwide appreciates TRS party including a NRI demands and needs in its manifesto. We very much appreciate setting up a separate division for NRIs as soon as the government forms and start addressing the issues of NRIs. Especially, Telangana NRIs living in the Gulf countries needs special attention from the Telangana state government immediately to ensure their safety and welfare.

On this historic occasion, TeNA commits itself to continue to take an active part in the new Telangana state and play an important role in the reconstruction of Telangana and making it a modern state in India by encourage NRIs investments and modern technology transfer.

Telangana NRI Association (TeNA) Executive Committee & Board Members

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