The state government has set aside Rs. 6,385 crore to waive farmers loans up to Rs 90,000 for the year 2023-24 in Telangana Budget 2023. The Rythu Bandhu amount was increased by Rs. 275 crore and Rythu Beema was increased by Rs. 123 crores.
The government allocated Rs. 200 crores for the KCR nutrition kits to be implemented in 33 districts. For Kalyana Laxmi and Shaadi Mubarak, the budget allocation was increased to Rs. 3210 crores from Rs. 2750 crores respectively.
The recruitment of 80,000 government jobs is underway and the health department has already filled 950 jobs. The state government has set aside Rs. 1,000 crore for the salaries of new recruits.
The state government allocated Rs. 12,000 crores for double bedroom housing. The finance minister said the government would give Rs. 3 lakh to those constructing house in their plot and there was no limit on it.
By Gollapudi Srinivasa Rao