
Sonia, Manmohan apathetic on Telangana: KCR

After stalling the Lok Sabha for two days, TRS supremo KCR blasted the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi for their apathetic and insensitive behavior on the Telangana statehood issue.

KCR also said that instead of addressing the genuine concerns of Telangana people, Speaker Meir Kumar has merely adjourned the Lok Sabha. He criticized that the Lok Sabha did not even bother to pay homage to hundreds of youngsters who have laid down their lives for Telangana.

Speaking to news-persons after coming out of Lok Sabha, KCR said that the Congress would be wiped out of the region if it continues its betrayal on the statehood. He gave a call to Telangana people to not allow the Congress leaders into their villages.

He said that the movement would continue peacefully and in a democratic way.

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