
RSS trying to create communal divide in Hyderabad


In a Twitter message by RSS that went viral it said important functionaries of the organisation would be meeting in Bhagyanagar in the first week and sent a message that it was hell bent on changing the name of Hyderabad.
In the GHMC elections the BJP leaders stated this if the party won the election.
The RSS leaders plan to meet from January 5 to 7 to debate about their activities.
This message mentioning Bhagyanagar in Hyderabad caused a stir among several sections.
Several political and secural social activities were wondering about the hidden agenda of the RSS in not mentioning the name of Hyderabad and talking about Bhagyanagar.
The Hyderabad city that witnessed many communal violence incidents in the past has been peaceful under the TRS regime for the past seven years of its ruling.

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