
Protest & Pulverize

By Bala Yugandar Chittalooru

I protest with every cell of my being the illegal, unjust, cruel occupation of my Telangana on this horrific day
And will continue the ceaseless fight for I am as good as dead if I don’t.

I protest the loss of my precious Hyderabad to modern-day Pindaris on this horrific day
And will continue the ceaseless fight for I am as good as dead if I don’t.

I protest the beginning of systematic plunder on this horrific day
And will continue the ceaseless fight for I am as good as dead if I don’t.

I protest the cruel loss of my government, my region to the black imperialists on this horrific day
And will continue the ceaseless fight for I am as good as dead if I don’t.

I protest the wanton usurpation of my waters-denuding fields, destroying livelihoods-that began this horrific day
And will continue the ceaseless fight for I am as good as dead if I don’t.

I protest the wholesale theft of my employment-generations denied, generations thwarted-that began much before but by much the same plundering migrants
And will continue the ceaseless fight for I am as good as dead if I don’t.

I protest my pristine portals of education torn asunder by prying tutorial parasites on this horrific day
And will continue the ceaseless fight for I am as good as dead if I don’t.

I protest the vilification and destruction of all manifestations of my culture on this horrible day
And will continue the ceaseless fight for I am as good as dead if I don’t.

I protest the cultural hegemony that sought to supplant my glorious roots on this horrible day
And will continue the ceaseless fight for I am as good as dead if I don’t.

I seethe and protest the brutal suppression let loose on my dear students in 69
And will continue the ceaseless fight for I am as good as dead if I don’t.

I remember Vannem Surender and his blood-soaked Telangana shirt and protest this horrible day with blood boiling and roiling
And will continue the ceaseless fight for I am as good as dead if I don’t.

I protest my own eunuch hand-in-glove politicians for making this horrible day come to pass
And will continue the ceaseless fight for I am as good as dead if I don’t.

I protest the illegitimate, heinous business interests eating away innards of my region on this horrible day
And will continue the ceaseless fight for I am as good as dead if I don’t.

I protest the parliamentary dictatorship that denies my rightful Telangana to this day, on this horrible day
And will continue the ceaseless fight for I am as good as dead if I don’t.

I protest the numerical tyranny that denies democratic majority to this day, on this horrible day
And will continue the ceaseless fight for I am as good as dead if I don’t.

Siripuram Yadayya -as a ball of fire – raising “Jai Telangana” slogans reminds me to protest this horrible day
Hundreds of my brothers and sisters, grievously lost remind me to protest this horrible day
The continuing tradition of concubine politicians remind me to protest this horrible day
The parched lands as I speak remind me to protest this horrible day
Finally my lost Telangana soul and Identity remind me to erupt like a volcano, remind me to not just protest but pulverize all enemies
Let’s raise the banner of revolt, protest and pulverize!
Jai Telangana Jai Jai Telangana

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