
March, come what may

Kodandaram says march is only beginning of the next phase of movement
Employee leaders warn of flash strike

Hyderabad: Both the administration and the TJAC seem to be adopting tough postures on the proposed March on September 30. While on Tuesday the police has refused permission for the programme, the TJAC Chairman Prof M Kodandaram said that it would take place come what may.

Talking to media at meet the press program organized by Telangana Journalists Forum (TJF) on Tuesday, Kodandaram said the March was only the beginning of the next phase of agitation for separate statehood. He said that they possessed Pashupatha Astram and Brahmastram which would be released at an appropriate time.

He reiterated that TJAC had drawn up plans to hold the protest in a Gandhian manner similar to the Dandi Satyagraha March of 1930s.
If the government arrested the main leaders ahead of the march, there would be no one to control the public on September 30, Prof Kodandaram warned.

“Police are resorting to crackdown on Telangana supporters in all the ten districts. Passengers boarding buses to the state capital are being asked to prove their identities. It is a big irony that citizens are not allowed to move in their own land freely. This reminds me of the situation faced by blacks during the apartheid time in South Africa,” Kodandaram stated.

He told Jana Reddy and other T Ministers to decide whether they need to crave for the CM post or be on the side of the public in the movement.

In reply to a query about TRS chief K Chandrasekhar Rao’s visit to New Delhi the Professor observed that the former was trying his best in New Delhi to attain separate state and there was no need for anyone to find fault with him. If nothing materialized, it was likely that TRS supremo would also join the march, he remarked.

Although we planned to conduct Million March held last year peacefully, government resorted to crackdown by stopping the public everywhere so that they could not reach Tank Bund on that day. It is trying to follow the same path once again stated Mallepalli Lakshmaiah, TJAC co-chairman.

V Srinivas Goud, another co-chairman stated that Telangana employees would not hesitate to go on a flash strike if the government arrested the key leaders. Even emergency services will also join the stir, he warned.

TJAC members K Swamy Goud, Raghu, Addanki Dayaker, TJF president Allam Narayana and members Palle Ravi Kumar, Ramana took part in the programme.

Police refuse permission for march

Hyderabad: The Hyderabad city Police Commissioner Anurag Sharma said on Tuesday that they had refused permission for holding Telangana March on September 30.

He told the media that the TJAC Chairman Prof Kodandaram and other leaders had met him and sought permission which was refused. The request for permission was not in writing but orally, he explained.

He suggested to TJAC to defer march till Oct 20 but the leaders disagreed. [The Hans India]

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