Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao is currently leading the CNN-IBN ‘Indian of the Year’ contest. He has been consistently leading the online poll from last two weeks. KCR has garnered 31% of popular vote and i ahead of several celebrities and politicians like Amit Shah, Salman Khan, and Aamirkhan
IPS officer from Kerala, P Vijayan is at second place with a popular vote of 24%.
The Indian of the Year award by CNN-IBN is a prestigious award given away to individuals who have had remarkable achievements in their respective fields.
To vote for their choice, individuals have to use a hashtag on their social media profiles. For example, to vote for K Chandrashekar Rao, a user has to post #iotyKCRao on their Facebook or Twitter profiles.
The contest closes on 31st January.