
Jagan-Congress sly deal, a Mockery of Democracy

By JR Janumpally

It is a veritable fact that the unremitting ‘Telangana Movement’ and the debacle in the last by elections have forced Congress party and TDP in to a tight corner in the state. Both of them are in an unenviable situation. Yet, as their wont these two parties are finding new ways to wriggle out of the tight corner and again hoodwink the people. The Congress party devised a new scheme. The Presidential election has provided a chance for a bizarre political deal with YSRCP, its betenoir. Seizing on the chance, Congress party is trying to play yet another diabolic political game in utter disregard of democracy. According to the alleged secret deal, Jagan and his political outfit will be a separate party and fight the elections on their own flag and will play the ‘Trojan Horse’ in Telangana for Congress party. Then it will be a part of UPA. As a ‘quid pro quo’ for this Congress high command will disentangle him from the noose of CBI.

The TDP chief who was earlier the ally of Congress in trying to defeat Telangana, is pricked by these turn of events. He all along was sabotaging Telangana State struggle in cahoots with Andhra Congress. He even had under the cloak electoral adjustments with them to defeat TRS, but to no avail. Now to get even with Congress he is also hatching another devious scheme. His instigating a separate Rayalaseema campaign through his aid Byreddi Rajasekhar Reddy is a pointer to it.

The TDP’s new scheme, separate Rayalaseema does not hold much water. The very iteration by its proponents that if the state remains united they do not need separate state makes a sinister reading and exposes its hidden agenda. As long as Seema and Andhra were together and plundering Telangana they were happy. But if Telangana people get their state back, they do not want to live together like in erstwhile Andhra State. That speaks volumes of this Seemandhra syndicate in the united state, in exploiting Telangana all these 56 years. Looks like they had a pre meditated arrangement before merger. But the idea will not survive long. Basically it was brought forward now to put spokes in the consideration of Telangana State. It will die its natural death like the proposal of Rayala-Telangana.

Once Telangana gets its former state back, what these Seemandhras do with their state is their own funeral entirely. There is no need to render unsolicited advice as some of our people try to do or unnecessarily get worried about it. As for as we Telangana people are concerned both Seema and Andhra are one and the same, our exploiters.

Sonia and her coterie are in such a schizophrenic fixation for political power in 2014. The number of MP seats in Andhra are thought to be crucial for them. That is why they are entering in to such unscrupulous deal with Jagan. But, they should have learnt some lessons with the results of their collusion with TDP. As part of this mirage chasing, Sonia’s UPA government is indulging in every undemocratic practice. Yet, they could not succeed in stopping the statehood movement. After failing in all their motivated efforts, now they continue running a ‘Police raj’ in Telangana region .They are not allowing the students to come out of their university campuses for any democratic protests. Hundreds of criminal cases are foisted to intimidate and harass them. Whenever government programs are undertaken and MLAs, MPs and Ministers visit the areas in Telangana, the people and students are bound over, TRS legislators are taken in to custody and hundreds of police and paramilitary bandobast is made to facilitate the conducting of these programs.

They also extend this facility to the opposition parties who are inimical to Telangana movement. CBN’s Palakurthy and Vijayamma’s Sirisilla political raids are examples for this. In these raids, thousands of police and also hundreds of private goondas with arms are allowed to take part. The police and the private army together attack Telangana agitators at every step, brutalizing the protests. Vijayamma’s political raid with a convoy of thousand vehicles, had helicopter surveillance, a ten thousand police bandobast and hundreds of goondas with arms, in their 100 KM raid. At every village there were protests, the police and goondas beat people, there was firing of rubber bullets on the protesting farmers in the fields and breaking of heads by lathicharge. They have taken TRS legislators in to custody beforehand and moved them out of the way of the raid. All this is just to make to touch Sirisilla soil by Vijayamma and her entourage. The irony is that TDP and YSRCP is arch rivals of Congress Party. Vijayamma is the mother of YS Jagan, who is in jail for allegedly indulging in a mega corruption of corporate money. It is an open secret that his prosecution is engineered by Congress party as a political vendetta. Thus both Central and state governments are working hand in glove to suppress Telangana movement by brutal police force and unethical deals. They are also trying to break the morale of Telangana people with their hegemony like in denying medical seats to Telangana colleges, illegal release of water from NSP and Srisailam and going ahead with un approved, and controversial Polavaram project etc.,

This sly deal with Jagan is a mockery of democracy. The result of this diabolic and reprehensible alliance cannot be sanguine. They should evaluate the results of their mis-adventure of siding the unscrupulous Andhra Congress and aligning with CBN and its consequences. It can never defeat the 4 crore Telangana peoples’ most rightful struggle. They might prolong the inevitable and cause more angst but they can never succeed in denying Telangana State. The most democratic aspirations of people cannot be mortgaged in an attempt to make one incompetent son a PM and another criminal son a CM by un-ethical alliances. This Indo-Italian stew can prove to be a little too much for Congress party.

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