
“Hyderabad Sirf Hamaara” roars Telangana

Telangana has roared once again. And that roar sent a strong message to New Delhi. Hyderabad belongs to Telangana, and the people of Telangana are not ready to accept any conditions on the status of Hyderabad – This was the clear message that the mammoth Sakala Jana Bheri meeting sent to Delhi bosses.

The day began with a trickle of Telangana activists at Gun Park. But, very soon it turned into a deluge. And by 2 PM, the Nizam College grounds, the venue of Sakala Jana Bheri was already filled completely.

People from all walks of life, from 10 districts of Telangana came in massive numbers.

The main slogan that was reverberating at the meeting was “Hyderabad Sirf Hamara”. The speakers at the meeting demanded that the the UPA leadership should immediately hasten the statehood process.

TRS Supremo KCR came down heavily on CM Kiran Kumar Reddy for directly participating in the Anti-Telangana protests. “His days are numbered. Delhi is going to disconnect his power soon. Even one lakh Kirans, Jagans and Babus can’t stop Telangana now” roared the movement leader.

KCR said only an unconditional Telangana with Hyderabad as capital is acceptable to the Telangana people.

Telangana Joint Action Committee chairman Prof M Kodandaram said the massive turnout should serve as an eye-opener to those who think they can still stall Telangana.

“The demand for a Telangana state is a demand for freedom from the clutches of oppression, from the constant exploitation of its resources in every sense, from the resultant backwardness,” Kodandaram said.

TJAC leaders Mallepalli Lakshmayya, Pittala Ravinder, TNGO leader Deviprasad, Vithal, TGO leader Srinvias Goud, TRS MLAs Harish Rao, KTR, TRS General Secretary KK, CPI MLA Gunda Mallesh, BJP leaders Nagam Janardhan Reddy, Gunda Mallesh, New Democracy leaders Goverdhan, POW Sandhya, Addanki Dayakar, Rasamayi Balkishen, Ande Sri, representatives from Student JAC, Lawyers JAC, Doctors JAC, TNF, TAF, TJF, Telangana Aatmagourava Vedika and leadership of over 200 peoples’ organizations attended the meeting.


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