
GoM to hold crucial consultations today

Photo: Telangana Congress leaders are submitting a memorandum with their demands to GoM today

The consultations exercize of Group of Ministers on Telangana formation, would be concluded today.

Several crucial meetings are going to happen today in Delhi, which will give a final shape to the contents of Telangana bill.

The GoM will meet Telangana Cabinet ministers at 10:30 AM and with Seemaandhra Cabinet ministers at 11:30 AM.

The Chief Minister’s meeting with GoM is scheduled at 12:30 PM. Kiran Kumar Reddy, who has taken a sudden U-turn on Telangana, and is scripting an anti-Telangana drama, might resort to more draamabaazi today.

The Congress highcommand is seriously examining options in case sacking Kiran is inevitable.

The GoM will hold its last internal meeting on 20th Nov, and will submit its report to Union Cabinet on 21st November.


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