
CPI extends support to Sept 30 Telangana March

Telangana Joint Action Committee (TJAC) scored a major success today as Communist Party of India (CPI) came out in support of Telangana March, scheduled for September 30. It should be reminded here that the TJAC had earlier succeeded in garnering BJP support for the proposed protest program.

CPI is a major force in Telangana and has been playing an active role in the statehood agitation.

TJAC chairman Prof. Kodandaram, Mallepalli Lakshmaiah, Pittala Ravinder and Telangana Employee leaders G Deviprasad, V Srinivas Goud and C Vittal met CPI leaders personally at the party headquarters Mukhdoom Bhavan and held deliberations to this effect.

CPI state secretary K Narayana and state leaders Palla Venkat Reddy and others participated in these talks.

After the meeting, Prof. Kodandaram and K. Narayana informed that TJAC and CPI would extend mutual co-operation in future and take the movement forward.

While CPI leaders said that they would extend their full support to the Telangana March on September 30th, TJAc leaders said that they would in-turn extend co-operation to the proposed Telangana Poru Yatra by CPI.

Prof. Kodandaram also urged the public representatives of the region to forge a united fight in the coming days irrespective of their political affiliations.

CPI state secretary K Narayana said that the Telangana Poru Yatra would begin in the region from August 25 to September 3. “This yatra would begin at Palvancha in Khammam district and culminate with a public meeting at Warangal in the first week of September. We sought the co-operation of TJAC for this tour which was accepted by Kodandaram and other members,” K Narayana informed.

Telangana employee leaders said that the employee organizations of the region would actively take part in the CPI yatra.

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