
Asad meets Sonia, says Hyd should stay with Telangana

Hyderabad MP Asaduddin Owaisi met UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi and spoke to her at length about the status of Hyderabad city.

After emerging from the meeting, Asad informed the media about the deliberations he had with Sonia Gandhi. He said making Hyderabad a UT will not help Seemandhra people in anyway.

“We do not want law & order, land or revenue of Hyderabad to be placed in central government’s hands. We want the Telangana government to have total control over Hyderabad city. We want Telangana to be like any other Indian state” said Asad

“We do not accept the common capital proposal. Hyderabad can serve as a temporary and transitory capital for Seemandhra” stated the Hyderabad MP.

Since Asad is a close ally of UPA, observers feel that his opinions will have a bearing on the stateus of Hyderabad in Telangana statehood bill.

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