The cultural fraternity has lauded Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao’s proposal of constructing an expansive cultural centre, Telangana Kala Bharati. Art exponents praised Mr Rao for his idea of constructing four auditoriums of different capacities. Renowned Kuchipudi dancer Shobha Naidu said that the idea of having auditoriums of different capacities is great. “In Ravindra Bharati, some programmes don’t have a full house. Empty seats spoil the artistes’ mood. Smaller auditoriums will be good,” she said.
Rathna Shekar Reddy, founder of theatre group Samahaara, lamented the lack of spaces in Hyderabad for performing arts. “As an artiste, I want to perform every day, but there is no space. Half my time goes towards searching for space to perform. And we are now performing in gated communities, schools and other such places. So if the CM wants to build such a cultural centre, it is a great idea. At least someone is thinking about it.”
Dr Satyabrata Rout, associate professor, Department of Theatre Arts, University of Hyderabad, said, “Hyderabad needs an ethnic space for all people from all arts to come and interact and exchange ideas.”
M. Raghuram, secretary, Kinnera Art theatres, also lauded the proposal. “We had asked the previous government to construct such auditoriums, but Chandrasekhar Rao garu is doing it.” The fraternity has showered praises on the designs that the government has released. Y.K. Nageswara Rao, founder-president, Yuva Kala Vahini, said, “Upon completion, Kala Bharati will be the pride of Hyderabad.”
Source: Deccan Chronicle