
3D lights to make city glitter

By: Lalith Singh

string of illumination dazzling like a necklace around the Hussainsagar, the statue of Buddha lit with three dimensional lighting, the edifice of Charminar awash with bright illumination and Birla Mandir atop the hillock shining majestic in the dark night.

These will not be glittering sights of the city only during festivities and special occasions, but will become a regular and daily sight.

The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) has decided to go in for permanent illumination of important streets, monuments and landmark edifices of the city with aesthetic lighting and also incorporate advanced technologies such as three-dimensional illumination.

“As of now, we illuminate select city streets and monuments with temporary facilities during festivals and special occasions such as State Formation Day and Independence Day.

The idea now is to come up with permanent infrastructure for decorative and aesthetic illumination of all the key points of the city,” an official said on condition of anonymity.

As part of the State Formation Day celebrations in June first week, quite a few places, including Buddha Statue in Hussainsagar and Secunderabad Clock Tower were illuminated using 3D mapping technology which was a major draw during the celebrations.

The civic body plans to evaluate new-age technologies, including the 3D illumination and also other international best practices to create a new night time visual of the city.

As of now, 18 places in the city are under consideration for the project, including 15 spots suggested by the Tourism Department, according to the GHMC official, declining to be identified.

“A final decision on locations will be taken up at a later stage and there could be few additions or deletions,” he said. The civic body has already invited consultancy services for the work and hopes to be able to attract consultants of national and international repute for taking the project ahead.

Source: The Hindu

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