The Health Minister T Harish Rao said every good intention of the BRS government is being looked at with suspicion by the opposition parties which is sad. Taking part in the foundation laying ceremony of a new block at NIMS hospital by the CM KCR, the minister said when the state government is coming up with people-friendly welfare programmes, the opposition parties are resorting to abusing the government.
The Telangana government is setting up 33 medical colleges in the state. The MBBS seats that were 2,850 have been increased to 8,340 now and even the remote Asifabad district has a medical college now which is the pride of the people. The Kanti Velugu programme – which envisages free eye check-ups and free surgery, free distribution of medicines and spectacles is the first of its kind in the world. The Chief Ministers of Kerala, Punjab and New Delhi who attended the launch of the second phase of the Kanti Velugu programmes have decided to implement the same in their respective states. That speaks volumes about the vision of CM KCR.
Mr Harish Rao said people know better than the opposition parties about those bad old days when they were deprived of uninterrupted power supply and free medical care. “CM KCR is number one in the country with his good governance and hence the Telangana state is number one in all spheres of life,” he said.
By Gollapudi Srinivasa Rao