
WEF’s report lauds Telangana’s research initiatives and strategic policies 

Quantum Economy Blueprint 2024 released by the World Economic Forum (WEF) has lauded Telangana for its research initiatives, industry collaborations, startup support, and strategic policies. Telangana is the only Indian state to get featured in this blueprint. 

The report mentioned that Telangana is the first state in India to have a Quantum Advisory Committee to shape strategic initiatives to create a conducive policy environment, government incentives, research grants, and infrastructure development. “Telangana strategically aligns with key industries, formalizing engagements with pharmaceutical giants, BFSI leaders, and technology pioneers focusing on advancing quantum applications, addressing complex industry challenges and nurturing innovation with a global outlook,” the report noted.

The blueprint has highlighted the efforts made by the BRS government initiatives such as T-Hub, WE-Hub, T-Works, TASK, etc., in fostering a robust innovation ecosystem. “Telangana’s vibrant start-up ecosystem, anchored by institutions such as T-Hub (incubator located in the largest innovation campus), We-Hub (women-specific startup incubator), Emerging Technologies Wing, centres of excellence in Al and cybersecurity, and T-Works (India’s largest hardware prototyping facility), emerges as a nurturing ground for quantum start-ups,” it said.

The report added that Telangana Academy for Skill and Knowledge is conducting quantum technology awareness programmes and skill development initiatives. These include introductory courses, hands-on training, industry partnership modules and outreach activities to promote quantum knowledge among students across the state.

The document also spoke about various other strategic initiatives such as Quantum Ecosystems and Technology Council of India (QETCI), headquartered in Hyderabad, and the Centre of Quantum Science and Technology (CQST).