
మీ ప్రతి పాచి అబద్ధానికి జవాబు చెప్తాం!

చిత్రం: విశాలాంధ్ర మహాసభ వారు ఆడుతున్న పచ్చి అబద్ధాలకు పై చిత్రమే ఒక సాక్ష్యం. నెహ్రూ విశాలాంధ్రను సామ్రాజ్యవాదం అనలేదని పరకాల బ్యాచి బుకాయిస్తున్నది. 1953 అక్టోబర్…

Two entrepreneurs build ‘Handloom Park’ in Pochampally

By: Ravindra seshu Hyderabad: Two young entrepreneurs from a weaving community have successfully developed a ‘Handloom Park’, employing around 150…

Congress on shaky ground in AP ahead of 2014 polls

By: A Srinivasa Rao The Congress party is going to face an uphill task in the next parliament elections in…

Racha Ramulamma’s ride to fame

Photo: Ramya Krishna aka Racha Ramulamma is an instant hit with TV audiences with her lovely Telangana dialect — By:…

“Inkennaallu” movie YouTube release on April 11th

Noted Telangana filmmaker Rafi’s movie “Inkennaallu” is slated for Worldwide Release on YouTube on 11 April 2013. For Details visit…

Police attack activists during Sadak Bandh

Some screen grabs from news media reports show how police used indiscriminate force and attacked Telanganites during the Sadak Bandh…

Will you steal our shadows too?

By: Vijayshree Kurumilla — — You have stolen our waters, our jobs; You have stolen our land, our coal, Our…

Justice Sudarshan Reddy will be Goa’s new Lok Ayukta

The Goa cabinet on Wednesday issued the order of retired Supreme Court judge B Sudarshan Reddy’s appointment as Goa Lokayukta.…

SKC 8th Chapter itself affects the integrity of the nation!

Read Sri Krishna Committee’s Secret Note in 8th Chapter here: — News reports reveal that the central government had informed…

Nizams’ jewellery need conservation: John Zubrzycki

Photo: Jacob Diamond, ranked seventh in the world. It weighs 184.5 carats — By: Mir Ayoob Ali Khan, Australian writer John…