Telangana’s renowned handicraft Puttapaka Telia Rumal is now going global. The handloom fabric will be showcased at the G-20 meet to be held in New Delhi from September 8. The Telia textile will be displayed in the handicraft exhibition at the G20 meeting venue in Gurugram.
PM Narendra Modi during his recent tour to France presented a dupion fabric made by the Puttapaka craftsmen to Brigitte Macron, the first lady of France. The dupion fabric is made using a weaving art unique to Puttapaka and this ikat design is seen nowhere in the world. The different fabrics produced in Puttapaka are already gaining international attention and the art form has received two Padma Shri awards and other recognitions for their unique handloom technique.
The speciality of the Telia Rumal is that the fabric remains cool during the summer and warm during the winter. The rumal is made using a tie and dye method with natural colours. The making of the fabric requires intricate weaving skills and patience as it takes weeks to rinse the yarn in gingelly oil. The textile possesses medicinal properties due to the usage of vegetable dyes. The Rumals have huge demand in Mumbai, Chennai, Gujarat, Solapur, Kolkata, Germany, Japan, Singapore, Netherlands, America, and Arab nations.