
Telangana govt released Rs. 304 crores for crop damage compensation

The State government has released an amount of Rs. 304 crores towards the crop damage compensation. The hailstorms and untimely rains that the state witnessed from March 22 to April 27 damaged the standing crops throwing the farmers in distress. Moved by their plight, CM KCR undertook a tour of the most affected districts. To relieve the farmers from pain, the CM announced a crop damage compensation of Rs. 10,000 per acre.

CM KCR instructed the agricultural department officials to enumerate the extent of damage due to untimely rains. After having surveyed, the officials found the crops in an extent of 3.04 lakh acres belonging to 2.79 lakh farmers were damaged. At the rate of Rs. 10,000 per acre, an amount of Rs. 304.61 crore will be deposited shortly into the accounts of farmers directly.

The BRS government once again proved its commitment to the welfare of farmers by liberally assisting them in all their endeavours of farming. CM KCR kept up his word and farmers hailed his gesture.

By Gollapudi Srinivasa Rao.