
An Artist’s Impression of SKC

Noted artist Annavaram Srinivas’s impression of Srikrishna Committee’s Report The image shows that the first 4 suggestions are useless, the…

Enterprise Telangana

Statehood for Telangana is an idea whose time has come. By Jaideep Mishra in The Economic Times The report of…

Time for Telangana

By Zakka  Jacob in India Today: Crowds at political rallies are a very interesting phenomena. Often times, these crowds give…

SKC Thinks Telanganites are Lazy and Lack Self-confidence!

By Amarnath The SKC report says “Telangana experienced a long history of oppressive feudal rule which shaped the character of the…

Are We Condemned To Repeat History?

By Sujai. K The current generation in India looks at history as a list of milestones without knowing the details…

An anticlimactic report

There was a time in Andhra Pradesh when buses used to frequently fall into lakes and rivers. The same was…